Florida Beat Radio

Florida Beat Radio
The Sound Of The Club 24 Hours A Day

Monday, November 3, 2014

A new update for the iPhone App has been submitted for release

Over the weekend, I decided to update XCode to the latest version and update the iPhone app for Florida Beat Radio by slightly increasing the buffer size.  The buffer controls how much of the music is temporarily stored on the phone before it starts playing the music.  In more straightforward terms, what you hear when listening to the station on the iPhone and Android app actually arrived at your phone 30 seconds prior because of the buffer setting.  SiriusXM uses a similar buffer for their satellite radio so that in situations where you're driving and go under a bridge, you can keep listening because the radio had x number of seconds of programming buffered.

Anyways, the process for an Apple iPhone App is straight up crazy.  XCode itself is no picnic, you have to learn how to program in that environment and language and they're constantly updating it to keep up with the latest iPhones and iPads and the capabilities of the new devices.  If your job/hobby is nothing but iPhone development, this isn't such a big deal for you.  But since I hadn't messed around in XCode for probably two years, I had to refresh my memory on my own application and what it does and how it does it.  Lot's of fun. :)

Once I had the app updated and finally building without errors, I had to submit the new revision to the iTunes connect server and now I wait for Apple to eventually get around to reviewing it for approval in the store.  Apple makes you jump through all of their hoops to get an App submitted for the first time or updated with a new revision.  It's a pain in the a$$ to someone like me that doesn't update very often.  The upside is that you keep 70% of the proceeds for an app that you can sell in the store so if you can create an app that people are willing to spend money on, you can build an entire business around just making and updating iPhone apps.

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